YOUR QUEST IS OVER  No one stops you as you step up to the mike to address the crowd...You've never been a public speaker, but somehow you feel in control and powerfull here. "You all know me." Your voice booms out across the room. "I am the person who braught Carnage to his knees!" The crowd roars it's approval. "And now we are together... We were braught together." The crowd begins chanting "Dreams! Dreams!"...You stop them with a wave of your hand. "Somehow, I was destined to bring you all here, and somehow magically re-unite the Alliance..Are you with me!?!" The crowd goes wild, (which sounds REALLY strange considering all the difefrent alien life forms in here today) and you hear a clear voice ring from the back, "He is the Peace Child!", You see it is Rivoria, and wave her a happy greeting. One thing leads to the next, and somehow the mood of the crowd, or perhaps the climate here on Nirvana drives the people to begin making choices. Someone yells "Make him Emperor!" and after a unanimus vote,  YOU ARE MADE EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE!